Hope impact

We are designed to receive and give hope daily. God fills our lives with purpose where we live, work, learn and play. Life is about relationships. Reject isolation and despair. God ignites a fresh fire and passion In our souls. We sense that God wants to do something new in our minds, homes, and communities.

Worship is when we say “Yes” to Jesus. We want to do more than just study the Bible. We want to put our faith into action. God’s plan includes collaboration. God blesses us to be a blessing. Jesus changes our lives, and we are eager to serve people in practical ways. Hope Impact includes a roadmap and training that covers how we can glorify God as we bring the indestructible hope of Jesus to more people.

If we live with God’s courageous hope, we will see cities turn to the Savior and healing in our families and churches. This all begins with each of us choosing to have a Hope Impact in all aspects of our lives.

Just Choose Hope

Four Elements Of Hope Impact

The Heart Of Hope Impact

The “H” In HOPE Impact

We need to start with the heart by saying “Yes” to Jesus daily and abiding in Him, allowing Him to fill us with His love and hope.

This transformed heart then enables us to see people the way God sees them and to bring hope to the world through the various settings of our lives – where we live, work, learn, and play.

It’s important to align our hearts with God’s purpose and having the courage to share hope with others, even with strangers.

Opportunities For Hope Impact

The “O” In HOPE Impact

There is a “core four” approach to making the most out of opportunities to share your faith. 

It begins with having a heart that loves like Jesus, being alert to opportunities to share the gospel, engaging in prayer and evangelism, and then relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Unexpected opportunities to share one’s faith can arise, even through difficult circumstances. This is why we must always be open to God’s leading and to make the most of the opportunities He provides to spread the hope of Jesus.

Praying For Hope Impact

The “P” In HOPE Impact

It’s important to say “Yes” to God as we pray for specific people in our lives, and then take action to share the gospel, even in the face of opposition or difficulty.

Examples from the Bible, such as Moses and the Apostle Paul, illustrate how prayer and obedience can lead to powerful results.

When we align our hearts with God’s, by praying fervently, and boldly sharing the good news, we can make a significant impact in our communities and the world.

Evangelism For Hope Impact

The “E” In HOPE Impact

The “sequential essentials” pathway of transformation involves having an authentic love for others, seeking opportunities to share the gospel, engaging in intentional prayer, and clearly communicating the message of God’s grace and the good news of Jesus Christ.

We need to see evangelism not as a negative or forceful act, but as a loving way to share the hope of Jesus and to give people the opportunity to choose to follow Him.

You should be encouraged to live out this purpose together, abiding in Jesus and trusting Him to transform lives.

Hope IMPACT Training

Five Powerful Prayers For Hope Impact

Impact Through Prayer

There are five powerful prayers based on Scripture that can transform your life as you seek to trust God and have a HOPE Impact where you live, work, learn, and play. 

Write down these prayers and being praying for specific people, as prayer is a powerful way to make an impact and see lives changed for God’s glory.

You’ll be blessed by the results you get as you align your heart with God’s and seek to reach others with a message of hope and restoration. 


How To Start Spiritual Conversations

Having Meaningful Discussions

Want to have spiritual conversations with friends, family, and even strangers, but you don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. Sometimes the most difficult part is just figuring out how to get the discussion flowing. 

There are four key aspects of this including: being intentional to start the conversation, building trust and rapport, exploring spiritual topics, and ultimately sharing the gospel message of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

There are key questions you can use to guide the conversation through these stages. Most important is relying on God, being faithful, and allowing the person to make their own decision to follow Christ. 

Five Guidelines To Sharing Your Story

It’s Your Story To Tell

Everyone has a story to tell, but how do you go about telling yours? And how do you share it in a way that can draws others closer to Jesus?

Key points include:
• Structure your story with a “before, decision, and after” format, following the example of the Apostle Paul’s testimonies in the Book of Acts.
• Be aware of the time and context when sharing your story, and have both short and longer versions prepared.
• Make your story relevant by highlighting aspects that connect with your audience.
• Be sensitive and listen to the other person, pausing to allow them to respond.
• Ensure Jesus is the focus and hero of your story, not yourself, and invite the listener to consider their own spiritual journey.

Hope IMPACT Stories

Hope Impact: Jorge

God’s Greater Plan

Jorge shares his testimony of how he found salvation in Jesus Christ in 1977 after a life filled with despair, guilt, and broken relationships.

He describes how God intervened and transformed his life, leading him and his wife to reconcile, attend church, and dedicate their lives to serving God.

Jorge has since been blessed with a family and has spent decades making disciples and planting new works for the Church of Jesus Christ. 

HOPE IMPACT: Bud & Melody

Stepping Out In Faith

Bud and Melanie Kolstad describe their efforts to provide blessings to homeless individuals.

They started by handing out Bibles, then expanded to include other items like food, drinks, and hygiene products. They also included a letter with each bag expressing care, encouragement, and the message of salvation through Jesus.

Over the course of two and a half months, they distributed 171 blessing bags to homeless people they encountered.

Hope Impact: Julius & Agnes

Responding To God’s Calling

Julius and Agnes describe how a sermon by their pastor motivated them to take action and help a group of homeless individuals living in a campsite.

They approached a man named Kashmere, who was from Angola and spoke limited English, and with Agnes’s help, were able to communicate with him and his wife Julie.

The couple expressed a need for assistance for over 50 families in the camp, and Julius and Agnes were able to provide them with food for a couple of weeks. They also connected the couple with government housing assistance, which helped several families find permanent housing. 

Hope Impact: Doug & Megan

Serving In Ukraine

Doug and his daughter Megan served as missionaries in Ukraine for 13 years. When the war with Russia intensified, they decided to return and visit their friend Pedro, who had fought on the frontlines.

The highlight of their trip was spending time with Pedro, his family, and the church members who had become refugees. Despite the fear, they felt called to be there and prayed fervently for the nation of Ukraine.

They encourage others to step out in faith and do what God is calling them to do, even if it’s scary.

Hope Impact: Brent

Called To Alaska

Brent Cunningham shares his journey of starting Young Life ministries in rural Alaskan communities.

He began as a teacher in Auburn, Washington, where he started Young Life at local schools. This led him to Sitka, Alaska, where he developed a heart for reaching youth across the state.

Brent now travels to remote Alaskan villages monthly, reconnecting with former Young Life students and seeking to identify local leaders who can start new ministries to share the love of Jesus with young people in their communities.

Hope Impact: David

Faith Of Many Generations

David shares his heartwarming story about reconnecting with his elderly uncle from Korea. Despite the language barrier and his uncle’s hearing difficulties, David was able to share the gospel with him and pray with him to recommit his life to Christ.

Through the encouragement of his wife and a friend, David persisted in reaching out to his uncle, and was ultimately blessed to see his uncle return to his faith before departing back to Korea.

This story highlights the power of faith, family, and perseverance in overcoming challenges to share the love of God.

Hope Impact: Ingrid

Tragedy Leads To A Powerful Ministry

Ingrid, a pediatric nurse, was deeply concerned about the negative effects of the pandemic on high school students, who were feeling isolated, anxious, and depressed.

After caring for a 16-year-old girl who had overdosed, Ingrid felt called to help these students.

She started hosting weekly Friday morning breakfasts at her home, where 35-40 high school students now gather to eat, socialize, and connect with Ingrid, who shares the love of Jesus with them and reminds them that they are loved and have hope. 

Hope Impact: Lili

Reaching Others Through Jesus Bands

Lily shares her story of how she started wearing “Jesus Bands” – bracelets with inspirational messages like “What Would Jesus Do?” and “Jesus Loves You”.

She brought these bracelets to school and her friends were interested in them, leading to discussions about Jesus and faith. Lily believes that by spreading these bracelets, she can spread hope and lead to deeper conversations about Jesus and his teachings.

Lily sees this as her “ministry” and is grateful for the opportunity to share her faith.

Hope Impact: Maria

The Good Samaritan

Marie recounts how she helped an elderly woman named Roberta who was involved in a car accident near Maria’s home.

After calling 911 and comforting Roberta, Marie visited her later and they became friends. Roberta started attending church with Marie, and Marie has been able to help Roberta with errands and other tasks.

Marie emphasizes the importance of serving others and taking a leap of faith to help someone in need, as it can be a blessing for both the giver and the receiver.

Hope Impact: Rose

Listening To The Holy Spirit

Rose, a college student, was on her way to work when she encountered a woman named Lori at a bus stop.

Despite initial hesitation, Rose felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to speak with Lori, who she then learned had been diagnosed with cancer. Rose prayed with Lori, providing her comfort and support.

This experience reminded Rose of how God can use ordinary people to do His work, and she was humbled by the opportunity to be obedient and share God’s love with Lori.

Hope Impact: Ruth

Sharing Hope At Work

Ruth shares her experience working in the human resources department of an international company and her involvement in the company’s Americas Faith Network.

The network has over 800 members across four faith chapters – Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim.

Ruth shares how the Christian chapter organized an interfaith call to discuss Easter and their faith, and later launched a successful Bible study with over 120 attendees from across the Americas. 

Hope Impact: Sara

Hoops And Heaven

Sarah Stratton shares how a group of basketball moms started a Bible study together during their sons’ basketball season.

The study brought the moms closer in their faith and relationships, and even led the boys to organize group prayers before their games, including the state championship game which they won.

Sarah is excited to start the Bible study again this year and hopes to include more moms, including those who don’t yet know Jesus.

Hope Impact: Stacie

Prayers Of Hope

Stacy’s story describes how she started praying to get to know her neighbors and for her children to grow spiritually. She began reaching out to a neighbor, inviting her over for tea and Bible study.

The neighbor accepted Christ and has been attending church regularly, even inviting her friends.

Stacy’s daughter also started attending a life group at church and is now looking for ways to bless others.

Hope Impact: Wayne

Faith And Kindness

Wayne and his family helped two young people who had been kicked out of their home. They found the couple walking with only a tent and backpacks.

Despite the challenges of finding available and affordable accommodations, Wayne and his family were able to secure a hotel room for the couple for two nights, pray with them, and continue to stay in touch and support them.

Wayne shares how that even in their darkest moments, God is looking out for people, and that Christians should go out into the community to lend a helping hand.

Hope Impact Sermon

The Good Shepherd – My Cup Overflows

Pastor Jesse Bradley


28 Days of Hope is a journey together, as we rediscover and recommit to God's indestructible hope in transformative ways.

As you begin this journey, you'll experience a sense of excitement about what God is going to do.

If you have a desire to grow in your faith, strengthen your relationships, gain wisdom, cultivate new habits, experience more peace, and live daily with purpose and passion, then you are in the right place.