21 Days Of Healing
DAY 10 – Give It To God
Where To Start
Read Luke 6:6-11 and then watch the DAY TEN video.
He looked around at them all, and then said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He did so, and his hand was completely restored.
One golden thread in stories of restoration is the decision to seek Jesus and surrender. Bring to God what is broken, and offer your entire life as a living sacrifice. This is real worship.
God doesn’t always heal this side of heaven.
Sometimes we know that His grace is sufficient, and we can overcome and endure. God directs our hearts to His love and perseverance. In this world we will have trouble, but be courageous because Jesus has overcome the world. We will receive new bodies in heaven that are perfect. The man with the shriveled hand extends his problem to the Lord. Jesus is greater than man-made Sabbath restrictions.
All healing is for God’s glory and our good.
Like the Hebrew boys thrown into the fiery furnace, we will serve God and trust Him with the results. Jesus saves and heals. The man with a healed hand has a testimony that we still celebrate today. When you experience restoration, make sure people know that Jesus is the hero of the story.
Just Choose Hope
Admit your weaknesses and offer yourself to Jesus.
Has there been a meaningful time when you revealed your area of pain and disappointment to someone?
How safe do you feel with Jesus?
How does Jesus teach and heal on many levels at the same time?
Father, thank You that You know us completely. You see our weaknesses, struggles, and insecurities. You continue to care for us with perfect love. We release burdens today and extend our pain to You. Thank You for hearing us as we pour our hearts out to You. We love You Jesus and pray in Your matchless name, amen.