21 Days Of Healing
DAY 21 – The Return
Where To Start
Read Revelation 22:1-21 and then watch the DAY TWENTY-ONE video.
Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.
Heaven is our home. There are foretastes on earth and glimpses of what is yet to come, but we are not of this world. We are made for another place, a heavenly city. We long to be with God and see Jesus face to face.
We want to be with loved ones who are already there.
We look forward to resurrected bodies with no more sickness, cancer, addictions, war, poverty, temptation, sin, and death. Aging reminds us the best is yet to come. We cry out for Jesus to return. God is patient because every day more people are saved and the population of heaven is growing. So, Jesus has not returned yet. It will be at just the right time. The kingdom of God is unstoppable. We have many life hacks, best practices, wise insights, and technological solutions to improve the quality of our lives.
What we ultimately need, though, is Jesus and for Him to make all things new.
There is everlasting healing that is emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual in Christ. God will keep all of His promises, and we can celebrate our destiny now. The infinite hope of Jesus is ours forever. Come, Lord Jesus!
Just Choose Hope
All of our trials remind us of our real home.
In what ways are you looking forward to heaven and ultimate healing?
Which one of God’s eternal promises stands out to you?
What do you imagine it will be like to see Jesus, face to face?
Almighty God, we praise You for Your unrivaled greatness, glorious grace, infinite hope, and unlimited power. We look forward to new bodies, a new heaven and earth, and perfection. We know all of Your promises are guaranteed. Our real home is with You. We long for Your return, Jesus. You will reign forever as King of kings and Lord of lords. We praise You with our lives Lord, amen!