WEEK TWO: Physical Healing
Green Pastures
God heals us in countless ways. Jesus restores our bodies while we sleep, exercise, give thanks, pray, and worship. God also uses medicine and gives wisdom to doctors and other healthcare professionals.
There are also healings from God that the medical world can’t explain. God has brilliantly designed our bodies with many internal processes of recovery, too. Jesus is the source of healing, and our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Remember to read Psalm 23 and watch the video each day along with the devotion.
21 Days Of Healing
DAY 8 – God’s Way
Where To Start
Read 2 Kings 5:1-27 and then watch the DAY EIGHT video.
So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.
Pride blocks restoration. Naaman had leprosy which is fatal. There is a process with healing, and a series of decisions. Naaman was first directed to the man of God. He had to travel a long distance. Then Naaman was given a message from the prophet. At each point in the journey, Naaman had reservations. He didn’t want to dip in the Jordan River seven times as directed. Why not a different river? Naaman was a military leader who usually called the shots. It doesn’t matter how many accolades and achievements we have, because we all need to walk humbly with God.
God’s ways are different than our ways.
God is the Potter, and we are the clay. Our willingness to do what God tells us is called faith. The path of restoration includes listening and trust. Those are the core of every healthy relationship. Your soul is even more important than your body. Walk with God in faith!
Just Choose Hope
God reveals His path to anyone who will listen.
Who has given you great advice?
When has God asked you to do something that you initially didn’t want to do?
How have you experienced God’s physical healing?
God, Your thoughts and ways are higher than ours. Jesus, You are the way, the truth, and the life. There is healing and indestructible hope in Your presence. May we listen to You, Holy Spirit, and keep in step with Your promptings and timing. We live and pray for Your glory, Jesus, amen.