Access each week's video and written content by clicking on the numbers below.
1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
SERMONS | 1 - Holiness | 2 - Humility | 3 - Authentegrity | 4 - Forgiveness | 5 - Trust | 6 - Collaboration | 7 - Joy | 8 - Communication
| 9 - Generosity | 10 - Perspective | 11 - Serving | 12 - Hope Overflowing
12 Elements Of Unity
Jesus calls us to be united. God renews relationships and restores what is broken when we follow Jesus with all of our hearts, minds, and souls. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. Let’s love and live like Jesus. Unity is taught and caught. Every week we will focus on a different essential element of unity. We want to be doers of God’s Word in all of our relationships, including the difficult situations.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as You were called to one hope when You were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)
You will find twelve devotions here that are all focusing on unity, with one element for each week. Read the Bible, watch the video, and take time to reflect on the application questions. You can go through the content alone, or with family and friends. Pray for God to move your heart towards unity with the hope of Jesus.
Where To Start
Read Daniel 6:1-28 and then watch the WEEK ONE video.
We imitate the holiness and unity of the Trinity.
God is holy. There is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The trinity lives in perfect unity. Holiness is our foundation and leads to unity. We are made in God’s image. When we live in unity, God is glorified. Drawing near to God and obeying God are the connecting points of unity. Real unity includes God’s purpose and glory. Some people unite through sin. There are many attempts to unite that do not have any positive impact on God’s kingdom. Without holiness, community deteriorates. In one sense, we are already a holy nation through Jesus because our sins are forgiven. The substitutionary atonement accomplished by Jesus makes us righteous in God’s sight for eternity. At the same time, holiness is a choice. God tells us to be holy, meaning we are called to honor God with our daily decisions and lifestyle. Faithfulness to God leads to the deepest joy and love in relationships.
Our commitment to God determines the depth of our unity.
Choose friends who want to honor God with all their heart. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were taken to Babylon and held captive in exile. They refused to deny God or worship any false gods. They continued to pray and seek God together. They were persecuted for their faith, being thrown into a lion’s den and a fiery furnace. God supernaturally protected them. People turned to God in a spiritually dark place.
Holiness brings hope to a corrupt and confused culture.
Some LEGO bricks have twenty attachment points and others just have four. All LEGO pieces have a base that is solid. Extroverts tend to make many friendships while introverts usually prefer fewer and deeper relationships. Holiness is the base as we unite. When you walk in the light, your family can have peace and friendships can be healthy. Sin and pride divide and destroy. You will never regret abiding with Jesus and being filled with the hope of God. Holiness is undervalued in our nation and in many churches. Do not miss the strong connection between holiness, unity, and hope.
Just Choose Hope
Unity with God leads to an overflowing hope.
Additional Scripture Reading: John 17, Daniel 1 & 3, Psalm 29
How is your commitment to following Jesus?
How can you walk in the light in a country that is wandering from God?
How can you bring the hope of Jesus to an ungodly and isolating culture?
Father God, You are holy. We bow down before You and worship with reverence and awe. Forgive us for the many ways we fall short of Your call on our lives. We return to You today with all our hearts. Thank You for Your grace. May we represent You well as Your ambassadors. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.