Access each week's video and written content by clicking on the numbers below.
1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
SERMONS | 1 - Holiness | 2 - Humility | 3 - Authentegrity | 4 - Forgiveness | 5 - Trust | 6 - Collaboration | 7 - Joy | 8 - Communication
| 9 - Generosity | 10 - Perspective | 11 - Serving | 12 - Hope Overflowing
12 Weeks of unity
Where To Start
Read Joshua 24:13-28 and then watch the WEEK TEN video.
The Bible refreshes and renews us with the mind of Christ.
The Bible reveals God’s thoughts and ways. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. God is love. God is light. God is a consuming fire. There is consistency within the trinity. When we abide with Jesus, we have the mind of Christ. We need to drop our pride so that we can love and live like the Lord. The perspective of God shapes our priorities, purpose, and passion. The patterns of the world steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus sets us free with truth because He is the truth. God renews our minds with Scripture.
God’s perspective includes an infinite and indestructible hope.
If you believe God’s promises and profound truth, that we will be with Jesus in victory for all of eternity, then this reality will radically shift your perspective. The hope of God is a certain hope. The time is short to invite and lead others to Jesus. We have a sense of urgency. We have a passion to unite and grow in our relationships as every moment is significant. We reject fear, worry, despair, discouragement, and selfishness. God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. They traveled through the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. A generation refused to trust God and they died in the wilderness. Only Caleb and Joshua believed God’s report and perspective about the Promise Land. Let God’s promises guide your present reality and future direction. In every generation, God has a remnant of people who are courageous and faithful. Do not let the darkness smother your light. Follow Jesus with all your heart and mind.
Value unity at home, church, and in your city.
Do not just go to church, be the church. The world is often influencing the church more than the church is influencing the world. Our prayer is that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us be doers of God’s Word. What we read in the Bible becomes our plan together. We reject unnecessary division and strife. God has one family, one body, and one hope. Scripture is clear that we are all called to full-time ministry as God’s ambassadors and priests. This is a glorious calling. We rely on God to encourage and empower people. The hope of God is available and relational, and will prevail.
Just Choose Hope

Rely on God and receive His vision and provision.
Additional Scripture Reading: Numbers 13, Joshua 3, 2 Corinthians 4
How is following Jesus counter-cultural?
How does an eternal perspective help you today with priorities?
How does God view you?

Heavenly Father, Your thoughts and ways are higher than ours. We want to prioritize relationships and unity. May we strengthen relationships with people of all nations and generations. May our hearts break for what breaks Your heart. We know people are eternal and You care so deeply about souls too. We ask for boldness and wisdom to lead our families, neighbors, and co-workers to You. Give us an undivided heart and please teach us the life that is truly life. Jesus, You are the truth, and we honor You. In Your name we pray, amen.