Access each week's video and written content by clicking on the numbers below.
1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

SERMONS | 1 - Holiness | 2 - Humility  | 3 - Authentegrity | 4 - Forgiveness | 5 - Trust | 6 - Collaboration | 7 - Joy | 8 - Communication
| 9 - Generosity | 10 - Perspective | 11 - Serving | 12 - Hope Overflowing


12 Weeks of unity


Where To Start
Read Haggai 2:1-9 and then watch the WEEK SIX video.

God’s plan and purpose are saturated with collaboration.

Nehemiah 4:14



The trinity works together in perfect harmony to accomplish the best purposes and plans. We are inspired by this collaboration. Independence is not ideal. The Holy Spirit convicts us to come together as one body. Jesus prays that we will have a complete unity which includes being a team for His glory. Collaboration incorporates clear communication, common goals, and building community. Collaboration happens when we realize we need God and each other. This is our divine design. Reject isolation. Christianity is not a solo endeavor or a spectator sport. Participation is God’s vision. A healthy body values every part as significant and indispensable.

God is glorified when we learn to work together.

We need to repent and follow God’s direction. We have churches where a very small percentage of the people are doing the heavy lifting. Within churches we have silo departments that are not aligned. Within cities, there are churches that will not team up or care for other churches. Some churches care about themselves but not the overall work of God in a city. This is not to be negative or complaining at all. It is a wake-up call that we miss the mark and have blind spots. A watching world hears our message but sees our division. Unity is powerful and gains the attention of people who want to experience the hope of Jesus.

God raises up united teams to change the world. 

Returning from exile, Ezra called people to return to God. Nehemiah mobilized families to build the wall around Jerusalem. Zerubbabel was a leader who rebuilt the temple. The restoration was holistic and fruitful because of the collaboration. Jesus chose the twelve and empowered the seventy-two. God created each of us to be different in marvelous ways. There is no one like you. You are an original and a masterpiece. There are situations when you will serve alone. Community and collaboration, though, are how we celebrate and leverage our unique individual qualities for God’s glory. God raises up united teams to change the world. Lock arms with people who want to see God’s kingdom expand and lives transformed. God will bring people to you who have complimentary gifts and a shared vision. Hope is magnified and accelerated through intentional, sacrificial, and joyful collaboration.

Just Choose Hope



God guides you to people who have a shared purpose and passion.

Additional Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 1-4, Matthew 10,  1 Corinthians 12


Who do you know that has the same vision and passion as you?


Who should you partner with more often?

How is collaboration needed to lead your city to Jesus?


Heavenly Father, thank You for leading us to unite with our brothers and siters. Forgive us for all the times we have acted independently and ignored the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Forgive us for being stubborn and selfish. We become more focused on our agendas instead of Your kingdom. May this be a new season. We want to live and serve as Your family locally and globally. May it be so in Jesus’ mighty name, amen.