Access each week's video and written content by clicking on the numbers below.
1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

SERMONS | 1 - Holiness | 2 - Humility  | 3 - Authentegrity | 4 - Forgiveness | 5 - Trust | 6 - Collaboration | 7 - Joy | 8 - Communication
| 9 - Generosity | 10 - Perspective | 11 - Serving | 12 - Hope Overflowing


12 Weeks of unity


Where To Start
Read 2 Timothy 1 and then watch the WEEK FIVE video.

Because God is trustworthy, we can be loyal.

Ruth 1:16-17



God is trustworthy. Trusting Jesus is how to begin a relationship with God. It is through receiving, not achieving. In life, we are constantly trying to figure out who we can trust. Jesus trusts the Father and the Spirit. There is perfect love and trust within the trinity. God’s loyal love is seen in many relationships in the Bible. Ruth and Naomi, her mother-in-law, both have husbands who tragically died. As widows, they would be very vulnerable in a culture that was usually not very compassionate and protective. Ruth chose hope and decided to commit to being there for Naomi for all her days. Because Ruth trusted God, she trusted the radical step of taking care of Naomi with consistency and generosity.

The body of Christ includes people of all generations, nations, and personalities.

If we do not trust each other, we cannot unite well. We want more than just to be members at the same church or worship in the same room. We desire friendships with a shared purpose and passion. Trust is the core of every relationship. Be someone who others can depend on because you walk closely with God. Trust can take years to build, but it can be lost in a minute.

Guard the unity God gives us.

The word fellowship is a shared participation. Unity is active, not passive. Unity is based on Scripture and trusting God’s word. Never compromise Scripture for a false unity that rebels against God. When we abide with Jesus, our Head, then every part of the body will support each other with respect and kindness. There is mutual edification. With trust and hope, we bring out the best in each other. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He will give you wisdom and insights in your relationships. To trust is a relationship risk. Unity requires courage and prayer.

Just Choose Hope



Your unity will be as deep as your trust.

Additional Scripture Reading: Ruth 1-4, Psalm 25,  Ephesians 5


Who has been there for you in your most difficult days?


How are you building trust with people who do not follow Jesus?

What is your desire and plan to increase trust and unity in your family relationships?


Father God, thank You for our friends, family, and church. Thank You for discernment You give in our conversations and relationships. Thank You, Holy Spirit for Your presence and love that fills our hearts. We reject fear and worry today. Trusting You more, Jesus, is our prayer. We align with Your word and promises. We pray for a deeper unity today in Jesus’ name, amen.