Access each week's video and written content by clicking on the numbers below.
1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

SERMONS | 1 - Holiness | 2 - Humility  | 3 - Authentegrity | 4 - Forgiveness | 5 - Trust | 6 - Collaboration | 7 - Joy | 8 - Communication
| 9 - Generosity | 10 - Perspective | 11 - Serving | 12 - Hope Overflowing


12 Weeks of unity


Where To Start
Read Genesis 15:1-7 and then watch the WEEK NINE video.

The grace of Jesus sets us free from selfishness.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8



Father God is generous and abounding with grace. Jesus gave up His life so that we can live. The Holy Spirit dwells inside of everyone who follows Jesus. The Bible is saturated with the promises of God. God’s record of faithfulness to every generation is perfect. Because God has provided for us, we want to thank God through our generosity. We are stewards but not owners of our time, talent, and treasure. We are managing what truly belongs to God. This fact gives us freedom from the idolatry of material possessions and a passion to glorify God. We are held accountable and want to make wise decisions. Without generosity, we will not be faithful or united. When we are filled with God’s Spirit and Scripture, generosity will overflow from our hearts, into our home, church, and city. Generosity is the process of rejecting selfishness and discovering true joy. Ultimately, we are motivated by God’s great love and hope that fuels us to make a difference in the world.

Surrender is a necessity on the path of generosity.

Freely we have received, so freely give. If we hold our blessings too tightly, we squeeze them with selfishness. If we hold our blessings too loosely, they fall out of our hands in the wrong places. Instead, we entrust it all to God and are proactive with obedience which inspires. Abraham offered His son Isaac to God. This dedication painted a picture of how Father God sent His Son to die on the cross. Abraham’s legacy is that he learned to trust God in every area of his life. His faith continues to strengthen future generations.

Devotion to God multiplies hope and leaves a legacy of generosity.

Hospitality is an expression of hope and starts in your heart before you open your home. Let the word of God dwell in you richly so that God’s thoughts become your thoughts. Guard time in your schedule to invest time in your family relationships. Our calendars and our bank accounts reveal who and what we worship and treasure. Your money has a great purpose and potential. Do not fall in love with it or base your security on it. Your abilities are from God, so identify and use them in many settings. Joyfully receive and give the hope of Jesus daily.

Just Choose Hope



Total surrender to God demonstrates His good plan and purpose.

Additional Scripture Reading: Genesis 13 & 22, Acts 2, 2 Corinthians 9


What do you need to give to the Lord in order to become more generous?


Are there people or possessions that can be an idol in your life and how can you be set free from the trap?

How can you live with a radical generosity like Jesus?


Gracious God, we learn generosity from You. Jesus thank You for demonstrating Your love and giving us an infinite and indestructible hope. Forgive us Lord for the times we are stingy and miss opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life. May we have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart ready to respond. Thanks for giving all of us a full-time ministry to build up Your kingdom. We pray this in Your glorious name, Jesus, amen.