Access each day's video and written content by clicking on the numbers below.
INTRO | 1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | END
SERMONS | 1 - The Treasure Chest | 2 - The Two Jars | 3 - The Compass | 4 - The Oar
28 Days Of Hope
Hope is based on the goodness of God. His grace is evident both historically and personally. Saving grace means that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave. It is by grace, through faith in our Lord, that we are forgiven and have peace with God for eternity. Sustaining grace means that God will give us everything we need to be faithful. He gives us what we need for life and godliness, one day at a time. Each day has enough trouble, but His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Strengthening grace means that God is committed to make us more like Jesus. The hope of God fuels us to press on to the goal and grow in our character, relationships, and service.
Hope increases when we know and celebrate who God is and what God has done.
Trust is at the heart of your relationship with God. Your view, beliefs, and understanding of God shapes how much you trust God. Your walk with God will only be as deep as the level that you trust Him. You will not have more hope than the amount you trust God. Hope doesn’t grow until trust grows. What is the basis of trust? God’s revelation, character and track record lead us to trust Him.
We need to know who God is, what He has done, and how much He loves us.
God’s gifts are linked to God’s character. This week, we begin with both the gifts from God and the character of God because they are inseparable and the foundation of our lives. God has filled a treasure chest with hope gifts that have your name on them.
Trust is more than just knowledge and information; it’s a saturation in our souls.
Trust is more than just doctrine; it is a daily decision. Trust is more than a feeling; it is a deep conviction. Let’s grow in our trust, because God is trustworthy. “In God we trust” is America’s national motto, but we want the reality, not merely the words. These first seven days are designed to help us grow in realization and appreciation of our great God. Every day is significant and builds up the levels of hope in our mind, heart, and soul.
Where To Start
Read Paul’s Hope story in Acts 9:1-19 and then watch the DAY ONE video.
God gives you grace because He is benevolent.
Hope is based on the goodness of God. His grace is evident both historically and personally. Saving grace means that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave. It is by grace, through faith in our Lord, that we are forgiven and have peace with God for eternity. Sustaining grace means that God will give us everything we need to be faithful. He gives us what we need for life and godliness, one day at a time. Each day has enough trouble, but His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Strengthening grace means that God is committed to make us more like Jesus. The hope of God fuels us to press on to the goal and grow in our character, relationships, and service.
Jesus came to give us an abundant hope.
Grace and hope are like parallel train tracks that always travel side by side. They cannot be separated but highlight each other as an incredible duo that glorifies God. In the book of Genesis, the devil approached Adam and Eve to tempt them. His scheme was to undermine the goodness of God. If we think that we cannot trust God and His ways are not good, then we will try to move God out of the way and lead by ourselves. When you push your Creator away, you will try to find a substitute in creation. This is called idolatry. The truth is nothing created can take the place of our good God. The pathway to hopelessness includes pride, lies, transgression, guilt and shame. The good news is that the hope of God leads us to His grace which begets more of His hope.
God’s presence is our great treasure, and His hope and grace carry us there.
If your view of God and His goodness has been tainted by the world and you are not confident in His character, hope begins to leak. Remember that God not only communicates but also demonstrates His grace and hope through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and also daily through the Holy Spirit. Taste and see that God is good. His grace is not merely a covering over us, it saturates our soul and is pervasive in all that we are and do. The apostle Paul rejoiced that God’s grace is greater than our sin. God’s hope is not merely studied academically, it is like a refreshing lake on a summer day to be enjoyed. This lake is full of His peace, promises, and faithfulness. God is good and His love endures forever.
Just Choose Hope

We can be overflowing with grace and hope.
How do you receive the grace of Jesus and how has His indestructible hope changed your life?
How often do you extend grace to others freely, without expecting anything in return?
How are you demonstrating God’s grace as you disciple and reach others? Give some examples.
Do your neighbors, co-workers, or acquaintances who don’t know Jesus see you as someone overflowing with hope?

Father God, thank You for Your grace and loyal love. You have been so kind to me. Your goodness gives me hope in every situation. I live for Your glory and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.