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INTRO | 1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | END
SERMONS | 1 - The Treasure Chest | 2 - The Two Jars | 3 - The Compass | 4 - The Oar
28 Days Of Hope
DAY 17
Where To Start
Read Samuel’s Hope story in I Samuel 3:1-21 and then watch the DAY SEVENTEEN video.
Lingering brings clarity.
Hope is abundant as you draw near to God. The Bible leads us closer to God. Guard your time at the feet of Jesus and do not rush through your devotional time with Him. We live in a noisy world with so many competing voices. We experience thousands of advertisements, even if we try to avoid them. We are bombarded by opinions, rants, and agendas. On our phones, we have information overload. Everyone is vying for your attention. We have never had more stimulation – videos, podcasts, programs, songs, and access to conversations. Gossip is common, slander is prevalent, rumors swirl, and it can be dizzying. False teachers are everywhere, including Christian stations. It would serve you well to be selective and intentional with what you are listening to daily. Garbage in produces garbage out. It’s true in technology and faith that input is connected to output.
We have never needed the voice of Jesus more. Linger in God’s presence.
If reading is challenging for you, just listen to Scripture. If talking comes naturally for you, learn to value the time when you simply listen to God. If you are hurrying around during the day, slow down and listen. You have a long list of people that want you to do more, do it better, move quicker, serve them more, pay attention to what they are saying, and give them any time you have. You might not have anyone that is telling you to slow down and listen to Jesus. Jesus said that His people know His voice. They will recognize that it is different than a stranger’s voice. We have so many strange voices today. In a world of confusion, Jesus speaks clearly.
In a world of confusion, Jesus speaks clearly.
In a world of chaos, Jesus speaks with certainty. In a world that is crazy, Jesus speaks with wisdom. Mary chose what is best when she spent time lingering in the presence of Jesus, not rushing ahead to the next task.
Our God communicates. God gave us two ears and one mouth. That’s a real hint. Listen to the Holy Spirit who will always guide you into the truth and remind you of what Jesus says. The Holy Spirit and the Scripture will always agree and never have contradicting statements. The more you want to listen to God, the more He will reveal to you. Value His voice, and He shares more. He brings specific Scripture and worship songs to mind at the right time. Certain Bible verses will jump off the page as you read.
He will whisper, “This is the way, walk in it” along the journey.
Jesus lingered in close fellowship with the Father in the mornings before all the people arrived. He lived with clear purpose and direction daily. There is one voice that will always carry hope. God’s voice is majestic. Eli taught Samuel how to listen to God. Teach others this important skill. Samuel learned to be still and hear what God is saying. Samuel treasured the time lingering in God’s presence and sharing God’s word with the nation. God’s voice echoes through the generations. Be silent and as Jesus says, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”
Just Choose Hope

God communicates to us when we listen to Him.
How much time during the day do you intentionally listen to God?
Would you consider yourself a good listener? Provide some details in your answer.
What are practical steps you take to be able to hear God clearly on a daily basis?
How would you benefit from taking more time to listen to God?

Father God, Your presence is our treasure. Forgive us for often being so distracted. When I ignore You and fill my mind with challenges, I become weighed down. I want to slow down and enjoy time with You. I desire to gain Your perspective and power during the day. I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.