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SERMONS | 1 - The Treasure Chest | 2 - The Two Jars | 3 - The Compass | 4 - The Oar
28 Days Of Hope
DAY 12
Where To Start
Read paralytic man’s Hope story in John 5:1-15 and then watch the DAY TWELVE video.
Jesus asks: Do you want to get well?
There was a man in Bethesda who was physically incapacitated for 38 years. It’s hard to comprehend the fullness of his grief. We have empathy as we learn about his journey. Chronic illnesses and long-term conditions can be challenging on many levels. Our physical situations can affect our emotional, relational, financial, and spiritual well-being. When a situation is prolonged, it can begin to feel hopeless. This paralytic man had watched other people be active, acquire jobs, walk, run, and enjoy life in ways that he could only dream about being able to do. Year after year, he made the best of his predicament and limitations. He could not heal himself, but his story was not over. Jesus brought fresh hope and encouragement.
God’s renewal is sometimes spiritual, emotional, and relational. Other times, he ministers to our physical illnesses.
Realistically, God doesn’t always heal us physically this side of heaven, and sometimes it’s very gradual. In this passage it was accomplished in a day.
The question Jesus asks (“Do you want to get well?”) relates to the man’s desire, not his ability. Jesus doesn’t heal everyone. It can be very disappointing when you pray and do not see any improvements. In this instance, healing is offered from God. Sometimes we give up and think God has given up on us too. We are not ready to receive what Jesus has for us. Many people resist the healing God wants to supply. Naaman didn’t want to dip seven times in the Jordan when he had leprosy. Peter didn’t want Jesus to go to the cross or even wash his feet. Judas remained in remorse and self-hatred. After Jesus drove a legion of demons out of a man, the people in the town pleaded with Jesus to leave the region. The religious leaders didn’t want new wine in their old wineskins. Healing is complex and very simple at the same time. It’s surprising how often we either have lost desire, settled for hopelessness, or want God to move in our timing and on our terms.
Healing and hope are a gift to be received
I have talked with many addicts who don’t want to be sober; people who are unemployed who don’t want to work; couples who are in pain who refuse counseling; hurting people who don’t want prayer or God; stubborn people who won’t receive much love or grace; independent men who will not enter into the blessing of real community; and worried women who will not give God leadership and control. Healing and hope are a gift to be received. Strong desires lead to strong prayers. Those who hunger for God will be filled. Shift, by faith, from despair to restoration.
Just Choose Hope
God can heal us physically, mentally, and spiritually.
In what ways is God wanting to bring healing into your life?
How often are you aware that you need healing, and what steps do you usually take, either positive or negative?
Do you believe that God can provide you with abundant hope in your life? Provide some examples of how He has done this in the past for you.
Are there times when you experience spiritual doubts or complacency? How do you seek restoration and revival?
Gracious God, You are my Healer and Hope. Thank You for all of the ways You renew and restore me. You bring emotional, relational, and physical healing. I want to move past my doubts. I believe You will do great things for Your glory. I pray in Your name Lord, amen.