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SERMONS | 1 - The Power To Soar
84 Days Of Soaring
DAY 10 – With Jesus
Where To Start
Read Acts 4:12-22 and then watch the DAY TEN video.
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
Your primary calling is to be with Jesus. When you abide with the Savior, courage, love, and peace will be the fruit.
Closeness to Jesus is more important than your education, experience, and environment. Abiding works in every situation.
God chooses what the world says is foolishness. God chooses everyday people who want to honor the Lord.
God chooses us more on availability than ability.
The determination to obey and be faithful to God stands out in this passage. There is no wavering or shrinking back. Deep conviction leads to perseverance and freedom.
We tend to overmeasure and overvalue our reputations and what people want us to do. All that mattered to the disciples is what God wanted them to do. It is great to do ministry for Jesus, but make sure you are doing ministry with Jesus.
Just Choose Hope
Before you do things for Jesus, spend time with Jesus.
What examples of courage do you see in this passage?
Why does Jesus select everyday people as His followers?
How would you live for Jesus if you stopped fearing people’s reactions?
Father, please free us from trying to keep everyone happy instead of saying and doing what we know is right. Thank You for the conviction of the Holy Spirit. May we be secure in You as we live counter-culturally. Forgive us for lukewarm faith. Revive us, Lord, we ask. In Your holy name, amen.