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SERMONS | 1 - The Power To Soar
84 Days Of Soaring
DAY 77 – Appointed And Anointed
Where To Start
Read Acts 26:12-18 and then watch the DAY SEVENTY-SEVEN video.
‘Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen and will see of me.
When God calls you, you don’t need a second calling. When God appoints you, you don’t need to be afraid.
When God says you are a minister, you don’t need an additional certificate.
When God raises you up, you don’t need to wait for others to affirm you. The words of Jesus to Paul carried all of the needed weight and authority.
Realizing and accepting that you are Christ’s ambassador in this crooked world is your highest calling. Find your security in Jesus. I can’t emphasize this enough.
If you are dependent on your feelings, the context, the other person, their imagined or real response or other superficial factors, you will miss opportunities. Confidence in God is simply that God said it, and we believe it.
Your house will be on the sand until Jesus Himself is your Rock.
Just Choose Hope
Jesus’ words to you are Your true direction and destiny.
Why does Paul keep sharing his testimony?
What does God say about your purpose in His word?
When has God given you a kingdom vision and assignment and how did it feel?
Father, Your words resonate in our souls. We trust Your commands more than our circumstances. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient. Thank You for the Holy Spirit inside of us. Your character gives us confidence. If You are for us, who can be against us? We trust You, Jesus, and pray in Your unrivaled name. Amen.