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SERMONS | 1 - The Power To Soar | 2 - Bold As A Lion | 3 - Four Convictions | 4 - It's All About Relationships | 5 - Gospel Explosion | 6 - New Heights | 7 - Your Next Decision | 8 - Invested | 9 - Called By God | 10 - Your Best Answer | 11 - Overcoming Fear | 12 - Finish Strong
84 Days Of Soaring
DAY 27 – Miracles
Where To Start
Read Acts 9:32-43 and then watch the DAY TWENTY-SEVEN video.
Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up.
Miracles are essential in our faith. If there is no resurrection, there is no Christianity. Jesus is risen!
We will receive resurrected bodies because death is not the end of the story. The King of Kings has defeated death, darkness, the devil, and despair.
Throughout the Bible there were miracles in the past and more coming in the future. Let God be God today. We do not need to see miracles to trust God.
Miracles are the grace of God on display.
They should never be manipulated, faked, or exaggerated. Dorcas was dead, but Peter prayed and commanded her to get up! This miracle led to many people putting their trust in Jesus.
The hope of a miracle can echo throughout nations and generations. Celebrate every miracle, but worship the God of miracles, not the miracle or the person through whom God moves.
Just Choose Hope
The miracles of God reveal His power and display His glory.
What are the miracles in this passage?
What do you think it was like for Peter to be used by God in this special way?
What are some of the miracles, both past and future, which are described in the Bible?
Almighty God, nothing is too difficult for You. We look forward to the day when You will return, Jesus. We long for the day when sickness, sin, death, and the devil are gone. We are excited to finally be home in heaven. The works of Your hands leave us in awe of You, Lord. Amen.