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SERMONS | 1 - The Power To Soar
84 Days Of Soaring
DAY 70 – Respect
Where To Start
Read Acts 24:1-13 and then watch the DAY SEVENTY video.
When the governor motioned for him to speak, Paul replied: “I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation; so I gladly make my defense.
The devil is an accuser of the followers of Jesus. He wants to sabotage God’s work and discourage God’s people.
Many people will highlight your past flaws and try to hinder your progress.
Their goal is to pour guilt and shame on them. They want to prevent you from realizing your potential. When Paul spoke, he gave sincere compliments and respect to his audience.
The governor Felix listened to Paul’s words and was attentive to his story. Felix was familiar with Christianity. Paul brought a fresh message in the midst of false charges.
Paul was surrounded by accusations. Paul continually forgave people and let go of resentment. He was wise in his selection of words. He continued to tell stories of hope. He entrusted himself to God. He prayed for all leaders. He was savvy in how his legal journey became a time to share his testimony and lead more to Jesus.
As our culture becomes more hostile to the gospel, it is important to see how Paul handled the opposition. We need to stop complaining, retreating, finger-pointing, and despairing.
There is a better way, and His name is Jesus.
Just Choose Hope
Pray for all leaders and show respect to those in authority.
How do you respond to false accusations?
How does abiding with Jesus fill you with the shalom of God?
Why should you demonstrate respect when it is counter-cultural?
Faithful God, may we treat people in a way that honors You. Forgive us for taking leaders for granted and neglecting to pray for them. May we always carry the aroma of Christ. May people see Jesus in us. We choose the Spirit over flesh, faith over fear, and hope over discouragement. In Jesus’ name, amen.