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SERMONS | 1 - The Power To Soar
84 Days Of Soaring
DAY 64 – Turnarounds
Where To Start
Read Acts 22:1-11 and then watch the DAY SIXTY-FOUR video.
I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?’
The story is not over. God is still working. When the apostle Paul was a self-righteous religious man, the story was not over.
As Paul tried to silence the followers of Jesus, the story was not over. When Paul chose violence and Christians like Stephen were killed for their faith, the story was not over.
Jesus appeared to Paul, and Jesus changed everything. Paul’s conversion was very personal with the living Messiah. Paul could not suppress the truth any longer.
When you continue to pray for people and share the hope of Jesus, you never know what God will do.
God never gave up on Paul. Jesus died for sinners. That’s who He saves by grace.
A resurrection only comes after a death, and nothing is impossible with God. Because the tomb is empty and Jesus walked out of the grave, we have hope in all circumstances.
The resurrection power of Jesus still saves and sanctifies stubborn hearts today. Give God praise and all the glory!
Just Choose Hope
God can still soften and humble the hardest hearts.
Why was Paul so unlikely to ever follow Jesus?
When did the reality of the resurrection impact you?
How can you share your story more often and in new settings?
Glorious God, nothing is impossible for You. Through Jesus, we go from hell to heaven and cross over from death to life. When we are lost, You find us. Your kindness leads us to repentance. Your hope strengthens and inspires us in the deepest ways. May You be praised, Jesus, the Savior of the world. Amen.