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SERMONS | 1 - The Power To Soar
84 Days Of Soaring
DAY 69 – Transferred
Where To Start
Read Acts 23:23-35 and then watch the DAY SIXTY-NINE video.
he said, “I will hear your case when your accusers get here.” Then he ordered that Paul be kept under guard in Herod’s palace.
There were many stops along the journey to Rome and each one had unique gospel opportunities.
It is ironic that Paul had the most difficult circumstances at each location, but he was the one who brought a consistent overflowing hope.
Don’t give your situation too much power.
Be diligent to reject lies and limiting beliefs. When you abide with Jesus you will be different than most people. Don’t resist standing out.
As Paul entered Caesarea, God was with him. His cause was just. His posture was an eagerness to lead people to God. His joy was inspiring.
His thinking was sound. His security was obvious. His non-anxious presence was surprising. His courage was contagious. Basically, it was easy to see Jesus in him. His attitude set an example for us today.
You become like the One in whom you trust.
Just Choose Hope
God will bring change to open new doors for you.
What is Paul’s journey like with the Roman judicial system?
What are the blessings of being under guard and having additional trials?
Has God used you in unusual ways, places, or circumstances?
Father God, there are no accidents. Sometimes our life does not make sense until we look back years later in the rearview mirror. Help us, we pray, to trust You in the challenges. When we are where we don’t want to be, instead of complaining, may we be faithful to build up Your kingdom, Lord. Amen.